Music, political, and cultural musings from the heart of my bottom...

Friday, April 28, 2006

Political - Rant: Senator Kyl (AZ)

I am a resident of Arizona, the state in which Jon Kyl is facing reelection to the senate this year. Just yesterday, I heard a political ad touting him as "being rated one of the 10 best senators in the country" by Time. to support my niece's school soccer team, I bought a subscription to Time a while back. I read the article this commercial refers to. The following is a part of the paragraph on Kyl that really steamed my carrot:
(I would have posted a link, but you need a Time subscription to access archives.)

When urgent legislation to respond to Hurricane Katrina bumped Kyl's long-sought goal of a vote on abolishing the estate tax last fall, Kyl quietly worked to get it back on the Senate agenda by recruiting Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions in an unsuccessful attempt to find victims of the disaster who would be paying the tax.

First of all, he didn't even have the balls to do the dirty work himself. Second, it's pretty well known that this disaster will costs billions of dollars to the US taxpayers. Using this crisis to try and push through a repeal of the estate tax is about as sleazy and disgusting as anything I've seen in politics recently. Why Time would include this anecdote in their article praising him makes no sense, but I'm glad they printed it. At a time when we're facing huge budget and trade deficits, a national debt approaching $9 trillion, 2 wars, and rebuilding one of our main port cities, no tax repeals should be on the table. To deceive to get a tax for the wealthiest %1 repealed, especially using a national disaster for doing so, should make him one of the 5 worst. By doing this he's shown his true colors, in that he only cares about his rich donors and will squeeze every nickle out of a poor man's pocket to reward them.

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Arizona, United States