Music, political, and cultural musings from the heart of my bottom...

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Guidelines for Posters

I'm posting this so others who want to post here will understand Exploding Head's format. Due to limitations to Blogger's free service it is necessary to make the title descriptive of the type of post. These are the types I've created so far:

1.) Rant - A critique related to the Topic.
2.) Rave - A positive review or enthusiastic response to Topic.
3.) Kudos - Kind of like a rave, but more subdued. More like a pat on the back.
4.) Idea(s) - Posts for original ideas and/or solutions.
5.) Analysis - Can be both positive and negative, but should be objective.

Title Format - This should be set up as follows - Macro Subject - Post Type: Topic

Macro Subjects right now include:
Mass Media

More will be added as necessary.

You can use multiple subjects for intersecting Subjects. Just separate them with a forward slash (/)

Post Type are the 5 listed above.

Topic is the specific issue, person, group, company, idea, etc., your post is about.


Music - Rave: Morningwood

Mass Media - Rant: Wolf Blitzer

Politics - Analysis: Free Trade Agreements

Govt/Music - Idea: File Sharing Solution

Other guidelines:

1.) Disagreeing is ok, even encouraged. However, be prepared to back up your posts or comments with facts and sources.
2.) Hostility toward other posters is not allowed. This means basically no name calling, slander, or excessive abusive language.
3.) No Trolling. For those who don't know what trolling is, it is when people post merely to undermine the purpose of a blog.

Members will be given fair warning if they violate these rules, but flagrant violators will have their accounts and posts deleted.

That's all I can think of for now. I'll be sure to update this if needed and repost it.


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Arizona, United States