Music, political, and cultural musings from the heart of my bottom...

Monday, April 10, 2006

Political - Rant: Protesting in Wrong Country

I am witnessing 125k people protesting in my hometown of Phoenix. While I sympathize with anyones right to make a living, why are they not holding protests in Mexico? From what I've heard many only come here because their own country doesn't offer ample opportunity. The US signed NAFTA with the intent of creating opportunity there, bailed their currency out, and even witnessed Perot's "giant sucking sound" of companies moving there. The only thing I've heard from Pres Vicente Fox is that his people are coming here to do work "that even blacks won't do". Not only is this racist, it is a bad analogy. Blacks were brought here against their will as slaves while illegal aliens break the law to come here to work under the table. Does Fox even care that his own people are dying in the desert because his corrupt government can't afford them opportunity, despite the wealth of oil, tourism and fishing resources? The US after 9/11 realized it's need to know who is coming in and out of the country. This is an unfortunate situation and will take some real hard choices to resolve. These people are not getting their wages taxed, are depressing legitimate wages, filling our emergency rooms because of not having health insurance, and the only Americans who benefit are the greedy people hiring them for cheap, off-the books labor. If we need their workforce so badly, I would greatly support increasing the legal quota from Mexico as long as more pressure is put on the Mexican government to shape up and a steep increase in fines for the crooks hiring illegals off the books.


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Arizona, United States